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Financial Stability Risks from Cryptocurrencies in Emerging Economies: A Dual Report Analysis



The rise of cryptocurrencies has triggered a global conversation about the financial stability risks they may pose, particularly in emerging market economies. Two recent reports, one by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the other jointly by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), shed light on the challenges and policy recommendations surrounding cryptocurrency assets.

This article offers an analysis of these reports, highlighting key findings and policy responses, and emphasises the need for a nuanced approach to regulating cryptocurrencies in emerging economies.

BIS Report: Cryptoassets in Emerging Markets

The BIS report, "Financial Stability Risks from Cryptoassets in Emerging Market Economies," provides a comprehensive assessment of the impact of cryptocurrencies in emerging economies. The report acknowledges that while cryptocurrencies have been promoted as a low-cost payment solution and a hedge against currency volatility, they have not fulfilled these expectations. Instead, the report asserts that cryptocurrencies have amplified financial risks in these markets.

Key Risks Identified:

  1. Lack of Accountability: The report underscores the challenge of holding cryptoasset markets accountable due to the absence of sound governance and oversight. This lack of accountability can result in credit risks, particularly when cryptocurrencies are used for lending or trading.

  2. Excessive Leverage: The report raises concerns about the excessive leverage offered by decentralised finance (DeFi) protocols operating within the cryptocurrency space. This high leverage can lead to significant financial losses during market volatility.

  3. Cybersecurity Threats: Cryptocurrencies, being digital in nature, are highly susceptible to cyber-attacks and system failures, given their limited traditional security mechanisms.

  4. Low Financial Literacy: The report highlights the limited financial literacy and technological knowledge in emerging markets, which can exacerbate the potential for financial stability risks associated with cryptocurrencies.

Policy Recommendations:

To address these financial stability risks, the BIS report suggests several policy responses, including:

  1. Comprehensive Regulation: The report advocates for comprehensive regulatory and supervisory oversight of cryptoassets as a baseline to mitigate macroeconomic and financial stability risks. These regulations can help manage credit risks, monitor leverage, and enhance cybersecurity.

  2. Responsible Innovation: The report encourages responsible innovation within the cryptocurrency sector, rather than outright bans. Technology-driven solutions can reduce inefficiencies and friction in payment systems, which could benefit the broader financial system.

  3. Risk-Based Approach: Regulators are advised to adopt a risk-based approach, as outright bans or excessive restrictions could push cryptocurrency activities into unregulated markets, making it harder to influence responsible actors in the sector.

  4. Consumer Protection: Measures to enhance consumer protection, such as education campaigns and fraud prevention, are essential in mitigating financial stability risks.

FSB and IMF Report: A Comprehensive Response

The joint report by the FSB and IMF, titled "Comprehensive Approach to Identifying and Responding to Financial Stability Risks Associated with Crypto-Assets," reinforces the importance of addressing macroeconomic and financial stability risks associated with cryptocurrencies. It presents a comprehensive framework to guide authorities in managing these risks.

Key Findings:

  1. Macro and Microeconomic Implications: The report illustrates how cryptocurrencies can impact both macroeconomic and financial stability and emphasises the need for a unified policy response.

  2. Regulatory Oversight: The report underscores that comprehensive regulatory and supervisory oversight of cryptocurrencies is fundamental to address these risks.

  3. Global Coordination: Given the cross-border nature of cryptocurrencies, the report emphasises the importance of international cooperation and data sharing to understand the evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Policy Framework:

The FSB and IMF report presents a roadmap for effective and coordinated implementation of their recommendations, including enhancing global coordination, cooperation, and addressing data gaps.

To sum up, the consensus is clear: cryptocurrencies have not fulfilled their promises and, in some cases, have amplified financial risks. Comprehensive regulation, responsible innovation, and a risk-based approach are suggested as measures to address these risks.

However, it is important to recognise that innovation and technology-driven solutions within the cryptocurrency sector can also offer benefits. Striking a balance between regulating these assets and encouraging responsible innovation will be a key challenge for regulators in emerging markets. Moreover, global coordination and cooperation are essential due to the international nature of the cryptocurrency market.

At SAXE Global we believe that as emerging economies navigate the cryptocurrency landscape, they must adopt a nuanced approach that safeguards financial stability while fostering innovation and protecting consumers.

Book your free consultation here.


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